Help build our adoration team!
Adorers are those who commit to adore Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament for one hour or more per week.
Captains & Co-Captains are responsible for making sure that Adorers are scheduled and attend Adoration for particular hours of the day.
Each person who spends time in the presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament grows in holiness. Communally, increased Mass attendance, conversions, the return of fallen away Catholics and vocations to the Priesthood and Religious life are among the many fruits of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.
Through our Holy Hours of prayer, Our Holy Father declares that we are contributing to “the radical transformation of the world,” the “establishing of everlasting peace,” and the coming of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth.
"A soul possessing God in the Blessed Sacrament is worthy of all the admiration of the angels."
Saint Julie Billiart