What is the purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a lay ministry that serves as an advisory council to the pastor. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles endorses councils as an effective means for sharing responsibility among the people of God, reflecting an understanding of participation, communion, gifts, and consultation.
The aim of the council is to make the life and activity of the Church conform ever more closely to the Gospel. Pastors establish councils because they seek practical, wise, and prudent advice on pastoral matters. The word ‘pastoral’ is derived from the office of pastor. The council studies pastoral matters because the pastor, as leader of the parish, requests the councils help. The council investigates matters presented by the pastor, reflect and discern beyond the facts, and make recommendations. In addition, thecouncil recommends, not what is right for parishes in general, but what is right for this parish in particular. *Source: https://lacatholics.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Pastoral-Council-Guidelines.pdf
The following are SJB Parish Pastoral Council meeting dates for 2024-2025 2024: Sept. 5, Nov. 7 2025: Jan. 16, March 6, May 1, August 21, Oct. 16 Meetings begins at 7:00 p.m. ___________________________________________________________
Parishioners may attend Parish Pastoral Council meetings to observe or make a presentation. If you are interested in attending email parish council and state the date of the meeting at least one-week prior to date of attendance. If you are interested in presenting, email parish council and include the following:
Proposal for implementation or improvement
If appropriate copies of additional information meeting date. Please send your submission to present two-weeks prior to the date of the meeting you wish present _______________________________________________________