St. Julie’s Prayer Shawl Ministry was started in September 2012 after hearing a fellow parishioner’s story about a prayer shawl she had given her Aunt and the beautiful way it touched her life and the life of her family. The power of the prayer shawl is not only the source of warmth but the reminder that people are praying for you and whatever your concerns are. It is a tangible gift that the recipient can wrap around them and feel God’s loving arms around him or her. 1,527 shawls & blankets have been delivered to recipients at St. Julies and throughout the country as of December 2023.
The shawl maker begins the shawl with prayers and blessings for the recipient. Once the shawl has been completed there is a final blessing with holy water and the shawl is sent to the person in need. The ladies in the Prayer Shawl ministry continue to pray for all the recipients of the shawls.
Shawls, lap blankets, and baby blankets are provided to those who are sick, undergoing a medical procedure, loss of a loved one, struggling with life’s challenges, brides, women who are pregnant, babies for their baptism, to name just a few as there are endless possibilities.
We gather the Third Friday of the Month from 10:30 am to noon in the Parish Library to crochet, knit, pray and be together. All are welcome to join us even if you’ve never knitted or crocheted or it has been years since you last picked up a needle.
If you would like a shawl or blanket for someone in need or know of someone that we can send one to or to make a donation please feel free to contact Karen at [email protected].